Step-by-Step Instructions for EV Charger Installation

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Installing an EV charger is the next big step to enhancing a private home, apartment, or business. You can transform your property by learning how to install an EV charger. We’ll cover the complete process, including planning, installation, power hookup, and testing.

ev charger installer

What Do You Need to Install the EV Charger

Before you jump into the installation process, there are several steps and considerations to bear in mind:

Assessing Your Electrical System

Start by checking your current electrical capacity. Electric vehicle chargers come in three main types, each requiring a different voltage level.

Upgrade If Needed

If your preferred charger requires a higher voltage than your property currently supports, be prepared for some remodeling. You’ll need to consult with a contractor to discuss installing new power. It’s essential to plan ahead, as the permitting process can be extensive, particularly for higher voltages and substantial renovations.

Choosing the Right EV Charger

There are three primary EV types:

  • Level 1 chargers, they’re good for charging vehicles that make short daily commutes.
  • Level 2 chargers use 240 V AC circuits. This is the same voltage as some major appliances and light-duty industrial equipment. They’re faster than Level 1, and they’re common in retail settings.
  • Level 3 chargers need a special 480 V DC circuit. This is heavy-duty power, and these fixtures support the fastest charging speeds.

ev charging levels

Which charger you pick depends on your personal or business needs. For instance, imagine you were trying to serve an apartment full of residents who wanted Level 3 fast charging. You can lower your total EV charger installation costs with various options. This could cater to casual drivers and hardcore road warriors.
Not all EVs work with all charger hardware. For instance,  different automakers often use different plugs and support distinct charging levels. Doing some user research before committing to an AC charger or DC models might be a good idea.

Obtaining Necessary Permits

Permits are a must if you want to install an EV charger. Jumping through these hoops may be tedious, but don’t give up! Following the rules may help you qualify for insurance coverage.
Property owners typically need approvals for electrical work and any necessary renovations. You may also need extra permits to operate commercial or multi-tenant charging stations.
Many property owners lack the electrical and architectural know-how to apply for permits. The application will request a lot of information, so talking with an expert is your best bet.

Installation Process of EV Charger

Mounting the EV Charger

Start by picking an ideal location for your EV charger. Paying attention to details like cable length and vehicle accessibility can make everyday use way more convenient. Remember to ensure your charger has the manufacturer-recommended clearance.
Next, measure and mark the spots where you’ll mount the charger. Double-check your measurements to ensure accuracy before drilling holes for the mounting brackets or screws.
Only use recommended anchors or brackets. Make sure the fixtures are level before securing the charger.

install an ev charger

Electrical Wiring

Even if your panel is nearby, you must run an electrical conduit to the charger location. Plan the route carefully — you want to be as direct as possible. Route the conduit along your chosen path, using clamps to keep it secure. Before making any connections, turn off the power! It’s best to finish the conduit line before you hook up either end.
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to tie the charger to the electrical wiring. Usually, this involves connecting the hot, neutral, and ground wires. Use proper insulation and attach connections firmly to prevent any future electrical issues. Connect the charger’s ground wire to a grounding rod or your panel’s main grounding bar.

Power Connection for Your New EV Charger

Installing a Dedicated Circuit

Using a dedicated circuit is the safest way to power your charger. In other words, this circuit shouldn’t power any other loads. By sticking to this rule, you can prevent overloads and boost the odds of consistent performance.
Determine the appropriate circuit rating for your charger by checking the manufacturer’s specifications. Also, install a dedicated circuit breaker for the EV charger circuit in your electrical panel. Make sure the breaker’s current/amperage rating matches your charger’s.

Connecting to the Electrical Panel

Proper wiring techniques reduce the risks of shocks and fires. Use the right gauge of wire and insulation rated for your charger’s current and voltage. If unsure, consult the manufacturer’s guidelines, local electrical codes, or a professional electrician.
Labeling the new circuit in your electrical panel is a good idea. This makes it easier to troubleshoot later.

Connecting to the Electrical Panel

Testing and Verification for EV Charging

After completing your EV charger installation, it’s time to review your work.
Start with a visual inspection. Look over the entire installation, checking for any loose connections, exposed wires, or signs of damage.
Next, test the charger’s functionality. Run the unit’s self-test, and then plug in your electric vehicle to start a charging session. Be sure the charger operates as expected, delivering the correct voltage and current.
Finally, verify that the circuit breaker and ground fault protection are working. Confirm that all safety features or self-diagnostics on the charger produce the expected output.

Final Tips to Install the EV Charger

Powering Up the Charger

After connecting your charger, restore power to the circuit breaker. Some chargers may need initial configuration — like setting preferences or enabling network connectivity.


Common installation issues may include loose connections or circuit breaker trips. Learning your way around your site’s electrical system goes a long way.
When troubleshooting, start with the basics: check the circuit, inspect all wiring, and verify your settings. Don’t be afraid to review the charger’s manual or seek professional help.

Post-Installation Considerations

Do a final inspection to be sure you’ve met local electrical codes and regulations. Inspect and clean your charger regularly to keep it in top shape.
Above all, follow safe charging practices. Always use high-quality cables, and avoid charging in extreme weather conditions.
Make safety a priority! This is about more than protecting yourself. Safe installations also extend the life of your EV charger and vehicles.


To install a home EV charger, practical experience is key. Prepare your property carefully—plan each step, from selecting a charger to rewiring and securing permits. Testing and reviewing afterward is crucial.
This isn’t a task for impromptu efforts, but engaging with the right supplier can simplify the process. Ready to begin? Discover the latest in EV charging technology by exploring the EN Plus Product Catalog.

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